My home studio is warm, cozy and oozing with beautiful natural light. If you would prefer to have a newborn, maternity or portrait session in my studio instead of your home or outdoors then this is a perfect option.

During these sessions I will guide you and your family when I need however I do like to be led by the families that I am capturing and their stories. With newborns I also like to go with what's happening for them on the day. If they don't want to be put down, that's fine! Capturing newborns wrapped nice and tight in their families arms are just beautiful images. If your newborn is unsettled and needs a feed, I also love to capture these special bonding moments.

I love to offer wardrobe advice and also have a collection of ladies dresses and newborn clothing. I do encourage you to bring your own items too whether it be a special wrap or blanket or something that makes the session unique to your family.

To see my studio collections please click on my pricing section.